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What is Laravel? What does Laravel do?

Laravel is a popular PHP framework used to develop custom web applications using the PHP programming language. This framework allows developers to create faster, more secure and more scalable web applications. Laravel follows the MVC (Model View Controller) structure and provides developers with libraries that bring together pre-prepared code documents.

Features of Laravel Framework

Laravel has a number of features that help developers build web applications more easily and quickly. Here are some important features of Laravel:

MVC Structure

Laravel follows the Model View Controller (MVC) structure. This structure offers a more modular coding experience by keeping the different layers of the application separate from each other. While the Model layer deals with database operations, the View layer creates the interface presented to the user, and the Controller layer provides communication between these two layers.

Advanced Database Operations

Laravel includes Eloquent, an ORM (Object-Relational Mapping) that facilitates database operations. Eloquent binds database tables to PHP classes, making database operations easier and more understandable. Also, Laravel’s database migrations feature makes it easier to manage database schemas.

Strong Routing System

Laravel’s routing system is used to redirect URLs to specific functions. In this way, users ensure that URLs are understandable and user-friendly when navigating the web application. Laravel’s routing system supports parameters and URL patterns, which provides more flexible routing.

Automated Tests and Fault Monitoring

Laravel provides an integrated solution for automated testing and bug tracking. It comes with popular testing tools such as PHPUnit and Laravel Dusk. These tools allow you to test your application and track errors more easily. Laravel’s bug tracking feature provides detailed information of errors and facilitates the debugging process.

Advantages of Laravel

Laravel is a PHP framework preferred by developers with many advantages. Here are some advantages of Laravel:


Laravel includes the features and structures needed to develop scalable web applications. Laravel’s modular structure allows your application to expand more easily as it grows. You can also improve the performance of your application thanks to Laravel’s caching feature.

Rapid Development

Laravel offers a set of tools and libraries that speed up the development process. Laravel’s built-in components simplify the web application development process and allow you to build applications faster. In addition, Laravel has a comprehensive and robust set of resources, which saves time in the development process.


Laravel also offers important features in security. Laravel has measures against Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) and Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) attacks. In addition, Eloquent ORM used in database operations provides protection against attacks such as SQL injection.

Developer Community and Ecosystem

Laravel is supported by a large developer community and many resources and packages are provided by this community. Laravel’s official packages and third-party packages are readily available. Also, thanks to Laravel’s detailed documentation, developers can learn best practices and the features Laravel provides faster.

How to Use Laravel?

You can follow the steps below to start using Laravel:

  1. Download Composer: To install Laravel, you must first download Composer. Composer is a tool for managing PHP packages.
  2. Install Laravel: After downloading Composer, you can install Laravel. You can use the following command to install Laravel:
composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel project-name

This command downloads the latest version of Laravel and creates your project with the name you specified.

  1. Start the Server: To start Laravel, you need to run a local server. You can start the Laravel server using the following command:
php artisan serve

This command will run the Laravel project on your local computer and give you a URL.

  1. Start After starting the Laravel server, you can access your Laravel application by opening the specified URL in your web browser. Now you can start using Laravel and develop web applications.

Laravel is an ideal option for developers who want to develop web applications with PHP. Laravel’s features and advantages make web applications faster, more secure and more scalable. Thanks to Laravel’s extensive documentation and large developer community, Laravel is very easy to learn and use. Using Laravel, you can develop high-performance and secure web applications at low cost.

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